
WaterHole attack

የውሃ ጉድጓድ ጥቃቶች: እንዴት APT እና የሳይበር ወንጀለኞች ደህንነታቸው የተጠበቀ መሠረተ ልማቶችን ሰርጎ እንደሚገቡ

My first encounter with the world of cyber-criminals occurred through a watering hole attack campaign many years ago. I visited a Persian website and discovered that it was downloading malware onto visitorsbrowsers. I promptly contacted the site administrator, who informed me that they had no technical knowledge of the issue. It became apparent that
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credential stuffing

ምስክርነት መሙላት DDoS አይደለም።!

I have heard this many times over the course of the last several years: someone is experiencing a heavy DDoS attack on their website. When I ask them what type of attack they are experiencing, the answer is usually that the bad guys are sending them thousands or even millions of POST requests. When I
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application ddos attacks

የመተግበሪያ ንብርብር DDoS ጥቃቶች, እና እንዴት ማቃለል እንደሚቻል

DDoS (distributed denial of service) and DoS (denial of service) attacks can be broadly classified into three categories based on the layers of the OSI model they target: network layer (Layer 3), transport layer (Layer 4), and application layer (Layer 7). Layer 3 and Layer 4 attacks are typically less complexeven though that they might
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Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAF ሞቷል።, ረጅም ዕድሜ WAF!

The web application firewall (WAF) is a security tool used to guard against unwanted access to web applications. It is often a security device that sits on top of a web server and guards against threats from the internet or from beyond the network perimeter. Unlike Layer 3 (Network) and Layer 4 (Transport) firewalls, which
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የዞምቢ ኩኪዎች Verizon Yahoo AOL

አዲስ የመከታተያ ዘዴዎችን እንዴት መቋቋም እንደሚቻል; የዞምቢ ኩኪዎች እና የሸራ አሻራዎች

የሸራ አሻራ, እና የዞምቢ ኩኪ መከታተያዎች ምንም አዲስ አይደሉም; ቢሆንም, እነዚህ ዘዴዎች የተሻሻሉ እና በጊዜ ሂደት በጣም ውጤታማ እየሆኑ መጥተዋል. ሰሞኑን, ከአራቱ አንዱ እንደሆነ አንድ ጥናት አረጋግጧል 10,000 በበይነመረቡ ላይ በብዛት የተጎበኙ ድረ-ገጾች ጎብኝዎችን እስከ ድረስ ለመከታተል የሸራ አሻራዎችን ይጠቀማሉ 99.9% ትክክለኛነት. ለመሰብሰብ የመከታተያ ሙከራ…
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PHP Suhosin

The end of Suhosin; what is next?

For many years, I zealously have used Suhosin with any implementations of PHP5 on Apache2 or PHP-FPM Nginx webservers to defend against SQL injection and other common web attacks. In fact, PHP5 was so disastrous, both in terms of its core security, and its functions and modules that I could have never conceived using it
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Breaking Down Barriers