Category: Privacy

Zombie Cookies Verizon Yahoo AOL

Hoe om te gaan met nieuwe trackingtechnieken; Zombie cookies en Canvas fingerprinting

Canvas fingerprinting, and Zombie cookie trackers are nothing new; however, these methods are improved and have become notoriously effective over the time. Recently, a study revealed that one in every four 10,000 most visited websites on the internet uses canvas fingerprinting to track the visitors with up to 99.9% nauwkeurigheid. The tracking attempt to collect
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PHP Suhosin

Het einde van Suhosin; wat is de volgende stap?

Al vele jaren, Ik heb Suhosin ijverig gebruikt met implementaties van PHP5 op Apache2 of PHP-FPM Nginx webservers om me te verdedigen tegen SQL-injectie en andere veel voorkomende webaanvallen. Eigenlijk, PHP5 was zo rampzalig, zowel in termen van de kernbeveiliging, and its functions and modules that I could have never conceived using it
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