Category: Web Attacks

WaterHole kurwisa

Kudiridza gomba kurwisa: kuti APT nematsotsi e-cyber vanopinza sei zvivakwa zvakachengeteka

Kusangana kwangu kwekutanga nenyika ye-cyber-matsotsi kwakaitika kuburikidza nekudiridza gomba kurwisa mushandirapamwe makore mazhinji apfuura. I visited a Persian website and discovered that it was downloading malware onto visitorsbrowsers. I promptly contacted the site administrator, who informed me that they had no technical knowledge of the issue. It became apparent that
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credential stuffing

Credential stuffing haisi DDoS!

Ndakanzwa izvi kakawanda mukati memakore akati kuti apfuura: mumwe munhu ari kusangana neDDoS inorema kurwiswa pawebhusaiti yavo. When I ask them what type of attack they are experiencing, the answer is usually that the bad guys are sending them thousands or even millions of POST requests. When I
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application ddos ​​kurwisa

Application layer DDoS kurwisa, uye kuti vangadzikiswa sei

DDoS (kuparadzirwa kwekunyimwa basa) uye DoS (kunyimwa basa) kurwiswa kunogona kuiswa muzvikamu zvitatu zvichienderana nezvikamu zveOSI modhi yavanonongedza: network layer (Layer 3), transport layer (Layer 4), and application layer (Layer 7). Layer 3 and Layer 4 attacks are typically less complexeven though that they might
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