Kuyika zinthu zachinsinsi palibe DDoS!

Kuyika zinthu zachinsinsi palibe DDoS!

credential stuffing

I have heard this many times over the course of the last several years: someone is experiencing a heavy DDoS attack on their website. Ndikawafunsa kuti akukumana ndi mtundu wanji?, yankho nthawi zambiri ndiloti anyamata oyipa amawatumizira masauzande kapena mamiliyoni a pempho la POST. Ndikafunsa komwe zopemphazi zikuyang'ana, yankho nthawi zambiri limakhala tsamba lolembetsa kapena lolowera!

Kuwukira kotsimikizika sikuli kuukira kwa DDoS kwa HTTP ndipo ndikowopsa kwambiri. Zowukirazi zitha kuwonongera mabungwe mamiliyoni a madola pakuwonongeka kwa data komanso kuwonongeka kwa mbiri. Pomwe HTTP kusefukira kwa DDoS kuwukira kusefukira kwawebusayiti ndi traffic, kutsitsa ndikuwononga seva, kuwukira kotsimikizika ndi njira yolunjika komanso yobisika ya cyberattack. Mu mbiri stuffing kuukira, obera amagwiritsa ntchito ma bots ongoyesa kuyesa masauzande kapena mamiliyoni a ma usernames ndi mapasiwedi omwe abedwa patsamba lolowera patsamba kuti apeze mwayi kwa ogwiritsa ntchito osaloledwa.’ akaunti. Panopa, kugulitsa ziphaso zabedwa ndi chimodzi mwazo mabizinesi opindulitsa kwambiri kwa zigawenga ndi zidziwitsozo zikugwiritsidwa ntchito popanga ziwopsezo.

Mosiyana ndi HTTP kusefukira kwa DDoS kuwukira, which are primarily aimed at disrupting website operations, credential stuffing attacks focus on stealing sensitive data, such as personal and financial data from compromised user accounts. These attacks can have a significant impact on a company’s bottom line as it can lead to data loss, regulatory damages, and even legal liability. Credential stuffing attacks can be particularly devastating for organizations that store sensitive customer data, such as financial sector, healthcare providers, and e-commerce companies. If a hacker gains access to your account, they can steal credit card information, social security numbers, and other sensitive data.

In addition to the direct economic losses from credential stuffing attacks, there are also indirect costs such as loss of customer trust and damage to an organization’s reputation. Makasitomala atha kukhala ozengereza kuchita bizinesi ndi makampani omwe akhudzidwa ndi kuphwanya kwakukulu kwa data, komanso kulengeza koyipa kokhudzana ndi ziwopsezo kungakhale kovuta kuthana nazo.

Kuteteza ku ziwopsezo za kuphatikizika kwa zinthu, mabungwe ayenera kukhazikitsa njira zotsimikizika zamphamvu monga kutsimikizika kwazinthu zambiri ndi ma CAPTCHA kuti mupewe ma bots odzipangira okha kuti asapeze mwayi wogwiritsa ntchito maakaunti osaloledwa. Muyeneranso kuyang'anira makina anu kuti muwone ngati ali ndi zochitika zokayikitsa ndi kuchenjeza anthu omwe angawononge akaunti yanu. Dongosolo lamphamvu loyankhira zochitika liyeneranso kuchitika ngati chochitika chotere chikachitika.

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